It’s the end of our stairs challenge, so tell us how it went! Did you do a lunge-focused lower body workout? Try our ladder of increasingly difficult push-ups?
from Lifehacker http://bit.ly/2WD2dGZ
It’s the end of our stairs challenge, so tell us how it went! Did you do a lunge-focused lower body workout? Try our ladder of increasingly difficult push-ups?
It’s Negroni season. How can I tell? Easy—I just open my inbox and read the many press releases alerting me to the fact. I do love the three-ingredient cocktail; I drink it year-round, but the “season” is really a marketing ploy for the Campari company, which means the grassier, gentian-focused White Negroni gets left…
After several post-recession seasons of pretty-much-zero interest rates on certificates of deposit, recent years have seen marked improvement. That’s thanks in part to the federal funds rate, which the Federal Reserve has raised nine times between December 2015 and December 2018.
The Ninja Foodi, designed in part by friend of the site Justin Warner, wants to be the One True Buzzy Kitchen Appliance. It’s a big, hulking thing, but it can do just about everything, as our researcher Corey Foster wrote in an (upcoming) Inventory post:
I can never sit comfortably on a flight; I’ve struggled with lower back pain for years. After emerging from a long flight spent in a middle seat, I have been known to collapse on the floor of the airport like an infant that’s learning to walk.
Apple, the world’s biggest seller of expensive, droppable objects, reached their peak with AirPods: $169 a pair, cordless, and intended for pulling in and out of your ears five times a day. You will eventually drop one into a tight space, behind furniture or even into a sidewalk grate. And that is when you’ll need a…
The great thing about Philips Hue is that your fancy lighting profiles aren’t limited to standard bulbs; the Hue LighStrip Plus lets you to stick a rope of color-changing, Wi-Fi connected lights anywhere in your house.
My home is interesting (special?) in that we have central air conditioning on the first floor and window AC units in the upstairs bedrooms. What this means, practically speaking, is that we lose a lot of our cool first floor air up the stairs, where it is immediately swallowed up by a hallway that becomes stifling in…
When I make macaroni and cheese from the (blue) box, I rarely stray from the instructions. As far as processed foods go, this one is pretty dialed in, and I’m not one to mess with aggressively orange perfection. But the other night, after two martinis and a shot of Fernet, I remembered I had buttermilk in my fridge,…
Deciding which of the many sets of truly wireless earbuds to buy can feel like a daunting task. Unless you’re one of those people who believes the AirPods hype, in which case the decision might seem very easy. Don’t be that person.
Whether you require the raw power, advanced screen, and superior camera, and USB-C connectivity of the latest and greatest iPad Pros, or if the standard 9.7 iPad can fulfill your tablet needs, Amazon’s offering all of Apple’s latest tablets for some of the best prices we’ve seen.
When it comes time to open a birthday gift, kids care about the card as much as they care about the nutritional values on the side of their box of Cap’n Crunch. It usually gets tossed aside, the message lost in a mountain of discarded wrapping paper.
Those of you who are still running Windows 7 or earlier need to install critical patches that fix a recently-discovered security bug on older versions of Windows.
Deadspin Drake Tries Very Hard To Pretend He Doesn’t Have Steph Curry And Kevin Durant’s Jersey Numbers Tattooed On His Body | Jezebel Witness the Decline of LaCroix, a Terrible Beverage That No One Liked | Splinter Again With the Tariffs | The Root Greedy Developers Try to Bully 94-Year-Old Black Woman Out of Her…
During a recent discussion about credit card rewards, Lifehacker Managing Editor Virginia K. Smith and I found ourselves with a shared lament: We get swipe happy when we know we’re earning credit card rewards.
An Apple iPad Pro, a Dungeons & Dragons rulebooks gifts set, and a few refurb Nintendo 2DS models lead off Friday’s best deals.
The best format for a summer book is a paperback: readable in bright sunlight, light enough to throw in a bag, cheap enough to destroy with grass and sand and water. But whatever format you read in, here are the books the Lifehacker staff recommends this summer.
Apple’s big WWDC event is right around the corner, and what better way to kick off the festivities—which we weren’t invited to, as always—then by contemplating all the fun features you might not be able to use on your ancient iPhone.
Hey Salty, I hang out pretty regularly at a craft beer bar that offers free, one-ounce-ish samples people can try before ordering a full pour. I’m pretty decisive, but I’ll sometimes sample one beer before I order, especially if it’s a flavor I’m not sure I’ll like. But I see some people ask for two, three, even once …
Right now, Nintendo’s eBay storefront is discounting a number of refurbished 2DS and 3DS models.
We’re officially entering summer blockbuster season, which means a lot of superheroes and sequels in the theaters. You could see Ma or Rocketman, or you could follow our indoor person’s guide to what to watch this weekend.
The FEMM Period Ovulation Tracker looks like any other fertility app, asking you to log your menstruation data and promising “cutting edge science that helps you keep track of your health.” But the Guardian found that the app is backed by an anti-abortion activist group.
We’ve all been there—maybe you’ve had a little too much to drink and a bouncer is questioning your balance as they scan your ID. Unfortunately, at least in some cities in the U.S., a simple interaction with a bouncer gone wrong can mean you’re booted from bars all over town; as first reported by OneZero, at least one…
As far as gas grills go, the Weber Spirit II is the be-all, end-all. Now, you can get it delivered from Amazon, complete with free expert assembly, so you can focus on the rest of your barbecue preparations.
The first summer I came home from college, I had plans to work, to reconnect with my high school friends and to enjoy the freedom of having zero papers to write. I felt older, wiser and much more independent than I had when I’d left; and yet, my parents still insisted that I adhere to my high school curfew (which, to…
As if we didn’t have enough reasons to move away from Chrome, Google has doubled down on changes that negatively affect how content-blocking browser extensions—including ad blockers—work in Chrome.
The last few weeks before a marathon are a special kind of hell. For months, your top priority has been training consistently. Now, all of a sudden, your runs are getting shorter. Some of them drop off your calendar altogether. It’s new territory, both mentally and physically, and it’s totally normal to kind of freak…
School is almost out, which means your kids are about to lose their built-in weekday social life for a long, hot stretch. As a working mom, I admittedly haven’t connected with the parents of every child my six-year-old daughter hangs out with on the playground. But I’m sure these little buddies will miss each other…
Furniture? Staircases? Hard floors? Carpets? Crevices? The disgustingly dusty top of your ceiling fan? This discounted Hoover vacuum isn’t exactly sexy (it still plugs into the wall, in 2019!), but it’ll do a great job of cleaning all of them. The entire vacuum even pops off of its wheeled base for added handheld…
“Cooking for one” has an undeserved reputation as the saddest kind of cooking, but have you ever tried cooking for someone that hates tomatoes? No matter your relationship status, you have to eat, and a simple shift in how you view the activity can turn the act of self-preservation into something truly nourishing and…
We’ll start with the semi-bad news: Dropbox is kicking up the price of its Plus plan from $10 to $12 per month. You’ll have to go for one fewer coffee if you want to stay on budget with your wild cloud-storage spending.
Hello all you frightening nipplybeasts, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column to help you speed run through the worst parts of dating and start the New Game Plus of your love life.
Anyone who ever travels overseas or would like to travel overseas should have a universal power adapter at the ready, and in 2019, you should probably go ahead and get one with USB-C.
Starting today, Google Maps is expanding its traffic features to more regions. The app will now display the speed limit for roads you’re currently on, as well as the location of various key pieces of traffic information—such as accidents, mobile speed trackers, and traffic cameras—in over 40 countries.
While trying to write this article, I’ve had to shuffle a toddler off my lap about 57 times.
Most of us have experienced a vague sense of feeling “burned out” by work, but now there’s a specific definition for what that actually means. The World Health Organization recently updated their International Classification of Disease codes (ICD-11) to define burnout as a syndrome with three dimensions.
Get ready for the weekend by picking a cool video game for the low, low price of... nothing. GOG.com, the site formerly known as Good Ol’ Games, is giving away 2016 puzzle game Obduction for free as part of its “Summer Sale Festival.” The game is only available today, May 30, 2019, and tomorrow, May 31, 2019, so I…
Reaction videos are a cultural currency these days—they can punch up your social media posts and have evolved into their own genre of comedy. They’re especially popular on Twitter, but since Twitter doesn’t have a way to save or copy videos from another person’s Tweets, it’s hard to reuse a reaction video you found in…
Graham cracker crusts fill a very important dessert niche: a quick, simple crust for when you want pie, but can’t be moved to turn on your oven. As someone who hates sweating and literally always wants pie, I wish I could get more excited about them.
The money you spend on this Marmot Women’s Trestles Elite 30 Sleeping Bag won’t keep you up at night. Through June 2, you can crawl into this comfy cocoon of a sleeping bag for just $70—that’s half off its usual price—using promo code KINJA50. With an external pocket, HL-ElixR insulation, and a fold-down second zipper…
If you end up on distracting sites “accidentally,” download the Pause extension for Chrome. Instead of blocking distracting sites, Pause throws up a blank green screen for five seconds, forcing you to pause. Then you can click to go to the actual site. (You can also click to disable pausing on that site for the next…
If you’re an asthma sufferer, you might have a stash of used inhalers lying around . You might also be unclear on how exactly to dispose of them—they contain medicine after all and are usually considered hazardous waste when thrown into landfills.
The hidden costs of homebuying aren’t secrets, per se—they’re expenses that are hard to predict if you’re in the process of shopping for a home.
If you keep up with new music, you probably know Dan Boeckner from Operators, the dark and dance-y synth pop band that consists of him, electro-wiz Devojka, and drummer Sam Brown. (Check out their new album, Radiant Dawn, here and here, and their tour schedule here.) If that doesn’t ring any bells, you’re more likely…
Anker’s SoundCore Spirit X headphones are the sportiest member of the SoundBuds family, and are designed with active users in mind. Their ear wings ensure they stay put while you exercise, and an internal hydrophobic coating means your sweat won’t fry them. Hell, you could even swim with them. Their best spec though? …
If you keep your car on the street instead of in a garage, making sure you’re not parked too close to a fire hydrant will likely be one of your most frequent headaches.
Deadspin Foul Ball Appears To Injure Young Child At Cubs-Astros Game [Update] | The Root The 10 Biggest Cultural Thefts in Black History | Jezebel Moby’s Book Tour Is Officially Canceled | Splinter Trump Makes Rare Foray Into Accidental Intelligence | News Dark Phoenix reshot its…
The American Academy of Pediatrics wants parents of kids of all ages to be vigilant about water safety, particularly toddlers and teenagers, who are at the greatest risk for drowning. But it may have also identified the sweet spot for when parents should begin swimming lessons for their kids—right at the child’s first…
You travesties of flesh and bone. You absolute cretins. You horrible, terrible excuses for humanity. Sit the hell down when your plane is about to take off.
An Anker electric lawn tools sale, Monopoly for Millennials, and a discounted Instant Pot lead off Thursday’s best deals.
The more habits you try to create, the harder it is to keep them all going.