5 reasons will push to abandon Facebook

How many times per day to enter to your Facebook? Of coarse you cannot be counted, this social network today not just a cite longer, but became very heavily addicted to all age groups; I and you and the other spend long times to browse our account in the social networking cite does not stop so long as you sit down in front of our computers, that there are more than one billion people do the same thing! Facebook is a true entertainment and dating tool and chat with friends, but there are reports that it could hinder the production process - weather professional or academic.so in this post you will learn about the five relatively simple reasons that will makes you reconsider the time it takes to browse this blue world.
5 أسباب ستدفعك للتخلي عن الفيسبوك
1. The time it takes is always greater than the required
When you log on to this site, will believe that you will spend only a short period of time to see what your friends or participate in the pages being pursued by my friend. But this short period quickly turn to the long hours, the character of the site will make you take a lot of time without feeling it. The amount of renewable content in this network will make you linked in every moment.

2. It can cause you frustration and sense of failure
Some studies conducted by psychologists in the United States cites insecurity and psychological comfort in Facebook .fatale photos and posts about successful lives of others may be born in yourself frustration and more failure and blaming yourself will not be satisfied with your life, but also instil that feeling in you envy and hatred of some successful people, even if indirectly.

3. Many of the people, and a few friendships
Number of friends who are in your profile on Facebook is certainly much larger than the people you know in the real world. This is because Facebook is a great meeting point for ideas and sometimes "friends" sometimes turn from virtual to real, but nevertheless Faded longer tiptoe.

4. lot of useless information
The amount of content that is shared on the network every day is definitely huge, but it is important and useful is only a small part .binomial most of the content is just the images, as well as entertainment video clips, it is true that content is also good, but he got to be the basis, it is wrong!

5. Facebook dominates your life
, Facebook, of course, as I said to him a smart marketing strategy, which makes users share a lot of things about their lives. So may be involved in. You as well as the collection of personal information and even some pictures without feeling, which may be of this site for more control of your life in this cyberspace .

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