Rushed to download your copy of Google Earth Pro (paid version) and enjoy all its features for free.

Any thing in this universe a specific life cycle, digital Valentina are also included in this framework, The set of program perhaps with the passage of time the price will rise or fall or disappear completely out of existence. To some extent this is exactly what today applies to Google Earth Pro. In the past and had a few days you must pay about $ 400 a year to take advantage of this service, but from now on, anyone can access it without paying a penny.

سارع بتحميل نسختك من جوجل ايرث برو( النسخة المدفوعة) وتمتع بجميع مميزاته مجانا .

Google Earth Google Earth we know it since 2005, and we have no doubt that he helped us to identify and explore the world since the appearance of Google Maps on the Web. Indeed, this program has achieved more than one billion download or over, thanks to his users in the exploration of the planet and geolocation, as was able to outperform similar programs. 
Of course, after the appearance of Google Maps on the Web and integrate some of the characteristics of this program, make it lose some importance. Google Earth Plus has been referred to the early retirement in the year 2008, to be maintained on the "Google Earth Pro" to become an annual cost of $ 400, and was directed primarily to companies and business.

Well, that has changed. Last Friday, Google said Google Earth Pro confirmed become free and you can now roam the world with just a few clicks, Google Earth Pro also allows you to enjoy high-resolution images, and offers a number of advanced tools that can help in tasks such as presentations and reports. , You can also print photos, buildings and display three-dimensional 3D, in addition to the option of high-resolution video recording of HD virtual tours that you perform on the streets. This may not be enough for some users, but for me it is very good, especially considering the cost of this free program.

All you have to do is go to Google Earth Pro site, and you log the information needed to find the key to your e-mail, which recorded it, and then you download your copy of the application and enter the key you got it on your email.

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