How could a 9-year-old boy from achieving million dollars annually on Youtube !!

كيف استطاع طفل عمره 9 سنوات من تحقيق مليون دولار على Youtube سنويا!!

And of course this child managed to achieve this money and big fame thanks to his father, who assisted in the completion of the rings on YouTube who shall act as photographer, leaving his son to play and have fun with all spontaneous, open gaming tray each ring and starts heading off and play them as that when participating private games for girls are sister "Gillian" Badland him within the videos that Avalanche together sometimes, and that "Ivan" achieves additional sums Knavish of gaming companies on Kalahari carried out in episodes of their games, and achieves additional amounts from the sale of shirts bearing the channel name on YouTube. 

Aban this little boy about the possibility of children also to achieve money and work using simple abilities that are only a small age and they also Mlaonneran as he did.

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