End Samsung will be similar to the end of the Nokia!

نهاية سامسونغ ستكون مشابهة لنهاية نوكيا !

South Korean company "Samsung" is considered one of the major players in the digital world and one of the leading smartphone manufacturers, and even though it achieved last year is satisfactory financial results at all, but the past and aspirations for this year cover the on this failure, but it seems that it is not everyone is optimistic the company's future.

Samsung has faced during the recent period of substantial financial difficulties, especially after the big commercial failure for smart phones for the year 2014 and topped Galaxy phone S5 prompting many observers to sound the alarm, especially with the approaching launch of the new phone, which counts him company dramatically, where possible to say that the error is no longer acceptable.

But the new view was not completely neutral since its source is the CEO of competition and is "Motorola" company where indicated "Rick Osterloh," in a statement through the end of last week, the magazine known as "Forbes" to that end Samsung will be similar to the end of the two Finnish Nokia and Canadian BlackBerry.

Where Rick Osterloh said that "every seven years the market leader ends to fall, and we are now in this wonderful period in which people believe they are not in need to buy a smart phone in the amount of more than $ 600 in order to feel the experience of smartphones are high cost and specifications." In a clear reference to Samsung phones.

Although the words of Executive Director of Motorola may hold some truth, but it is always seen as a part of the advertising competition launched by competing companies.

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